Sustainable fishing

Guest Post by Tynon the Dugong

Helopo. i am Tynon. a Dugong

I hope you all are habving a rweallly rweallly lovelly swwimmm somrewwjhere. i am
i love to habve a rweally lovpoley swwimmm and i pray fpor clean oceasns so we can allll swimmm

wjhaty is miopdasty worruyinmgh! Wew are running out of  fioddasdashgs. No mpore fioddasdashg means noi more fioddasdashg and vjhips.

I don't eats
fioddasdashg or vjhips (i eat seaaw grass. I'm a vergan) but i like fioddasdashg and we shoudl protect them. I swwimmm with thenm and fioddasdashgare [ppoirttyyt aNMDS FIUN

No fioddasdashg! Itsd worruyinmgh! asop, dszfj apoi worruyinmgh!

it sdfhk awehj msdfjli xcvi ansda whTY M,wqioulk we fpo wjhemn opiur po cceamn sa doie? whjat!yoiuy salklk nrewerwd topi styoippo eatyytiuongh spo m,uichj nbnadlky mciuaghhjt fiosjh. miopdasty worruyinmgh M,wqioulk we fpo wjhemn opiur po cceamn sa doie? whjat!yoiuy salklk nrewerwd topi styoippo eatyytiuongh spo m,uichj nbnadlky mciuaghhjt fiosjh. M,wqioulk we fpo wjhemn opiur po cceamn sa doie? whjat!yoiuy salklk nrewerwd topi styoippo eatyytiuongh spo m,uichj nbnadlky mciuaghhjt fiosjh. M,wqioulk we fpo wjhemn opiur po cceamn sa doie? whjat!yoiuy salklk nrewerwd topi styoippo eatyytiuongh spo m,uichj nbnadlky mciuaghhjt fiosjh.....worruyinmgh worruyinmgh worruyinmgh!!!!!!!

(Hmm. We may stop it there. Tynon types with his flippers. When he gets excited he loses all sense of what he is saying. Which in this case is that the decline of fioddasdashg fish stocks is worruyinmgh worrying! Buy fish for the future. Can't afford it? Can you afford not to? Sustainable fish info here and here and here  Captain Angry Ranty Pants)


phill said...

At the same time adorable (and well done on making a believable dugong-speak--not sure it'll catch on as quickly as lolcatspeak, but it's admirable) and slightly disturbing.

I very rarely eat fish. Slightly ironically this is because they are so expensive, which in turn is due to there being shortages everywhere (I think? Or have they always been stupid pricey?).

Captain Angry Ranty Pants said...

Tynon is an independent commentator. I can't claim his brilliance

Tynon said...

habvingh a lovopoly swwimmm

Alis said...

That's really annoying to read

Captain Angry Ranty Pants said...

Blame Tynon. He types with his flippers (as Dugongs tend to do)